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Did you know that 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. We will provide you a complimentary bra fitting and we carry sizes from 30-40 and cup sizes A-H. Once you are fitted correctly, your girls will never look the same. Tannis is a boob guru at the store and will fit you properly. Shop now or book a free complimentary bra fitting! Free Shipping in Canada over $150.00. If you are wanting to buy a bra and you are not in the Edmonton area - we can ship you a tape measure and we will measure you through face-time with Tannis directly.
Check out our videos below: Proper Bra Fitting, Signs your Bra isn't fitting correctly, and signs of a Poor Fitting Bra
A proper fitting by Tannis (The Boob Guru)
Signs your bra isn't fitting correctly!
Signs of a Poor Fitting Bra
Free Shipping in Canada over $250.00. Shop Now!